Cat Selection: How To Choose The Right Cat Breed

How To Choose The Right Cat Breed

There are so many cat breeds. How can you decide which breed is right for you and your family? Follow this essential guide to select the perfect cat breed.

How To Choose The Right Cat Breed

The first thing you should consider is whether you will be capable to handle having a vocal cat. Some cat breeds can actually be quite noisy. While many cat owners do not have a problem with these vocal breeds, as they realize their cats are just communicating with them, a harsh cat can be a problem in an apartment situation. Extremely vocal breeds are the Siamese Cat, the Korat, and the Burmese. The Scottish Fold, Somali, and the American Curl are considered to be very quiet cat breeds.

Next, you will want to think about whether you want a cuddly cat or if a more aloof breed is right for you. If you do not possess a lot of free time, a cuddly cat who enjoys attention may be the incorrect choice. However, affectionate cats are typically better with children than more reserved breeds. Some of the friendliest cat breeds are the Snowshoe, Abyssinian, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Tonkinese, and the Himalayan Persian. Less sociable breeds are the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Nebelung, and the Russian Shorthair.

If you are looking for a cat who can amuse him and will not get into constant mischief, then the Sphynx, Siamese, Rex, Balinese, and British Angora breeds may be a bad choice. These cats are very inquisitive and energetic. However, for someone who is homebound or has a lot of free time, these cats are an excellent source of entertainment. In fact, the Rex is downright silly in his attempts to amuse those around him.

Of course, while you are looking at what cat breed to shop for, don't get so caught up in selecting the right temperament that you overlook other dominant features. One of the most significant things to consider when you are seeking the golden cat is whether you want a long-haired or short-haired breed. People who don't have a lot of time to devote to a pet may want to opt for a short-haired breed. Although that fuzzy ball of fluff may look adorable right now, grooming adult long-haired cats can take up quite a lot of time. If you neglect your cat's coat, it can tangle and matt-up at an alarmingly fast rate, right down to his skin. Once this happens, your only option is to have him shaved completely, which can be quite traumatic. Also, your cat will likely have to be sedated before he can be shaved down, which poses a health risk.

Once you consider all of the various features and traits for the cat breeds you are interested in, you will finally be ready to start searching for your new pet. Now, you will need to decide whether you want a kitten or if you would prefer to give an abandoned older cat a second chance. If you are looking for a certain breed of kitten, check out your local cat show, since most exhibitors have a few kittens for sale. If an older cat is right for you, produce your local humane society or animal rescue a call.

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