Multiple Cat Households

 Multiple Cat Households

Multiple Cat Household

For many people, a unique cat is an ideal situation. However, for others, cats seem to be like potato chips. They can't stop with just one. This is partly because there are so many wonderful cat breeds and partly because most cats enjoy the companionship of other cats.

Is owning more than one cat right for the cat you already own? If your cat is home alone for long periods of time and seems to be lonely, he may enjoy allowing another cat around. In addition, an older cat will frequently develop a current lease on life when a new kitten enters the family. However, cats who enjoy their solitude or are territorial towards their homes and families may not appreciate sharing their lives with another cat.

There are, in addition, a few things for the humans in the household to consider. A new kitten means having to undergo all of the frustrations of litter box training all over again. In addition, don't forget about the expense of vaccinating and neutering your kitten. Adding an older cat to the family can also be a challenge, as the cat will have to adjust to a new home and may develop behaviorally or health problems.

Although some people feel that their cats will be more at home with a cat from the same breed, many cats are extremely happy to hang out with other cat breeds. Naturally, you may want to reconsider pairing a boisterous, clownish Rex cat with a standoffish Russian Blue. Cat breeds with similar traits do better together than cats that are completely different. Naturally, the Himalayan Persian and the Maine Coon breeds are so laid back and friendly that they adapt admirably to life with the most demanding of rambunctious cats.

Before you bring your new cat home, you will need to set up an area for him to stay in while he adjusts. You may indeed want to place him in a crate, especially if you are hesitant about whether he is litter box trained. Allow him to settle in for a day or so before you worry about introducing him to the rest of the family.

Instead of placing the cats together immediately, allow your primitive cat to grow accustomed to the new arrival gradually. For an effective transition, be sure he does not have to share his own litter box, food, and water bowls, or toys with the newcomer. Besides the fact that your cat may not enjoy sharing, there are important health reasons for allowing each cat his own supplies. You can reduce the chance of your cats spreading diseases to each other and you can more easily monitor the appetite of each cat if they have separate litter boxes and food bowls. Also, cats forced to share litter boxes may decide to create their own private litter boxes in other, less convenient places, such as the closet floor.

Naturally, there is one acute problem with allowing multiple cats. Once you possess two or more cats, everyone with a stray or unfortunate cat will assume they can convince you to add merely one more to the family.

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